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Anatomy of python strings#

From the docs: "Strings are immutable sequences of Unicode code points". This requires a bit of unpacking ...


From the sea of technical lingo, I will mostly use three concepts (and often abuse terminology):


A symbol is an entity that conveys meaning in a given context. It can be seen as a "meme" in that it represents an idea or recognized concept. For example, it can be a single character or unit of text as perceived by a human reader (regardless of the underlying primitive blocks from which it is formed). The digit 1 is a symbol, so is that letter Γ©, and so is the emoji πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦.


A primitive building block for symbols. It is common to refer to a visible (i.e., a user-perceived) character as a grapheme.

Code point

Unicode code points are unsigned integers1 that map one to one with (primitive) characters. That is, to each character in the Unicode character set there is a corresponding integer code point as its index.

For example, the code point 97 corresponds to the grapheme e. Every (primitive) character can be seen as a symbol, but the opposite is not true because there are many symbols that do not have an assigned code point. That is, some symbols are defined in terms of a sequence of characters (and thus, of code points). Such symbols are commonly referred to as grapheme clusters. An example of a grapheme cluster is πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ (as we will see shortly, it consists of 7 characters 4 of which are graphemes).

Redundancy of representation#

flowchart LR
    subgraph G0 [symbol]
    subgraph G1 [as one code point]
        one_code_point["Γ© (U+00E9)"]
    subgraph G2 [as two code points]
        dispatch@{ shape: framed-circle }
        dispatch --> two_code_point_1["e (U+0065)"]
        dispatch --> two_code_point_2["́  (U+0301)"]
    symbol --> dispatch
    symbol --> one_code_point

    style symbol font-size:20px
    style one_code_point font-size:18px
    style two_code_point_1 font-size:18px
    style two_code_point_2 font-size:18px

In Unicode, the symbol Γ© can be encoded in two ways (see Unicode equivalence). First, it has a dedicated code point (which defines it as a "primitive" grapheme). Second, it can be represented as a combination of e and an acute accent (which makes it a grapheme cluster as well).

s1 = "Γ©"  # using one code point (U+00E9)
s2 = "é"  # using two code points (equivalent to s2 = "e\u0301")

assert s1 != s2
assert len(s1) == 1
assert len(s2) == 2

for char in s2:
    code_point = ord(char)
    print(f"{code_point} ({hex(code_point)})")

Output: (1)

  1. M-x describe-char in emacs gives:

                 position: 1 of 1 (0%), column: 0
                character: Γ© (displayed as Γ©) (codepoint 233, #o351, #xe9)
                  charset: iso-8859-1 (Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1))
    code point in charset: 0xE9
                   script: latin
                   syntax: w    which means: word
                 category: .:Base, L:Strong L2R, c:Chinese, j:Japanese, l:Latin, v:Viet
                 to input: type "C-x 8 RET e9" or "C-x 8 RET LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE"
              buffer code: #xC3 #xA9
                file code: #xC3 #xA9 (encoded by coding system utf-8-unix)
                  display: terminal code #xC3 #xA9
    Character code properties: customize what to show
      general-category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase)
      decomposition: (101 769) ('e' ' ')
                 position: 1 of 2 (0%), column: 0
                character: e (displayed as e) (codepoint 101, #o145, #x65)
                  charset: ascii (ASCII (ISO646 IRV))
    code point in charset: 0x65
                   script: latin
                   syntax: w    which means: word
                 category: .:Base, L:Strong L2R, a:ASCII, l:Latin, r:Roman
                 to input: type "C-x 8 RET 65" or "C-x 8 RET LATIN SMALL LETTER E"
              buffer code: #x65
                file code: #x65 (encoded by coding system utf-8-unix)
                  display: composed to form "e " (see below)
    Composed with the following character(s) " " by these characters:
     e (#x65) LATIN SMALL LETTER E
    Character code properties: customize what to show
      general-category: Ll (Letter, Lowercase)
      decomposition: (101) ('e')
101 (0x65)
769 (0x301)

Example: a family#

flowchart TD
    %%{init: {'themeVariables': {'title': 'My Flowchart Title'}}}%%
    C@{ shape: framed-circle, label: "Stop" }
    C --> cp1["πŸ‘¨"]
    C --> cp2["U+200d"]
    C --> cp3["πŸ‘©"]
    C --> cp4["U+200d"]
    C --> cp5["πŸ‘§"]
    C --> cp6["U+200d"]
    C --> cp7["πŸ‘¦"]
    family3 --> C


    style family1 font-size:50px
    style family2 font-size:50px
    style family3 font-size:50px
    style family4 font-size:50px
    style family5 font-size:50px
    style cp1 font-size:30px
    style cp2 font-size:30px
    style cp3 font-size:30px
    style cp4 font-size:30px
    style cp5 font-size:30px
    style cp6 font-size:30px
    style cp7 font-size:30px
    style cp1-hex font-size:30px
    style cp3-hex font-size:30px
    style cp5-hex font-size:30px
    style cp7-hex font-size:30px

There are various emoji symbols that portray a family. They have different semantics, which is reflected by the code points used to form them. In the representation of the middle one (depicted on the lower levels), there are 4 primitive graphemes glued together with the zero-width joiner character U+200d. We can use list("πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦") to get a list of characters associated with the code points that form πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦.


Consider the string sentense = "This πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ is my family!". As python strings are (stored as) sequences of code points, sentense[:6] would give "This πŸ‘¨" because πŸ‘¨ corresponds to the first (also called a base) code point of πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦. As can be expected sentense[:8] returns "ThisπŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©", where the zero-width joiner is not visible2.

The situation can get tricky with symbols that may have different Unicode representations. For example len("L'idée a été réévaluée.") is 23, while len("L'idée a été réévaluée.") is 29 because all symbols é in the latter string are encoded using two code points. One can imagine strings with a mix of representations for the same symbols which can be difficult to handle in an ad hoc manner.

Grapheme clustering#

The Unicode standard defines rules for identifying sequences of code points that are meant to form a particular symbol (i.e., grapheme cluster). Finding symbol boundaries is a common problem e.g., in text editors and terminal emulators. As an example, consider the following functionality from the grapheme3 package:

import grapheme

sentense = "This πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ is my family!"

assert len(sentense) == 26
assert grapheme.length(sentense) == 20
assert not grapheme.startswith(sentense, sentense[:6])


The unicodedata package is a part of python's standard library and can be used to normalize a string. That is, to detect symbols for which alternative Unicode encodings exist and to convert them to a given canonical form.

import unicodedata

s1 = "L'idée a été réévaluée."
assert len(s1) == 23

# each "Γ©" becomes "e\u0301"
s2 = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", s1) # canonical decomposition
assert len(s2) == 29 # (1)!

s3 = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", s2) # canonical composition
assert len(s3) == 23
assert s1 == s3
assert s1 != s2
  1. While the representation of symbols resulting from the NDF canonical decomposition may contain more code points, it allows for greater flexibility of text processing in many contexts, e.g., string pattern matching.

Memory footprint#

The above discussion is mostly abstract in that it makes no assumptions on how code points (ranging from 0 to 1114111) are to be stored in memory. Starting from PEP 393, python addresses the memory storage problem in a pragmatic way by handling four cases which depend only on one parameter: the largest code point occurring in the string.

import sys
import unicodedata

s1 = "L'idée a été réévaluée."
s2 = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", s1)

m1, m2 = max(s1), max(s2)
print(f"[s1]: {ord(m1)} ( {m1} ) #bytes = {sys.getsizeof(s1)}")
print(f"[s2]: {ord(m2)} ( {m2}  ) #bytes = {sys.getsizeof(s2)}")


[s1]: 233 ( Γ© ) #bytes = 80
[s2]: 769 ( ́  ) #bytes = 116

The largest code point for the s2 string corresponds to the combining acute accent, while for the s1 string it corresponds to Γ©.

The four cases are:

where denotes the largest code point in the string . The memory required to store is

where is the number of code points in and, the size of the C-struct that holds the data is given by4

The above logic is implemented in the string_bytes function below5.

def string_bytes(s):
def string_bytes(s):
    numb_code_points, max_code_points = len(s), ord(max(s))

    # C-structs in cpython/Objects/unicodeobject.c
    # ----------------------------------------------
    # ASCII     (use PyASCIIObject):
    #   2 x ssize_t       = 16
    #   6 x unsigned int  = 24
    # otherwise (use PyCompactUnicodeObject):
    #   1 x PyASCIIObject = 40
    #   1 x ssize_t       = 8
    #   1 x char *        = 8
    # assuming a x86_64 architecture
    struct_bytes = 56
    if max_code_points < 2**7:
        code_point_bytes = 1
        struct_bytes = 40
    elif max_code_points < 2**8:
        code_point_bytes = 1
    elif max_code_points < 2**16:
        code_point_bytes = 2
        code_point_bytes = 4

    # `+ 1` for zero termination
    # the result is identical with sys.getsizeof(s)
    return struct_bytes + (numb_code_points + 1) * code_point_bytes

For the above example, s1 is 56 + (23 + 1) * 1 = 80 bytes because it falls in the second case as its largest code point is 233. The string s2, on the other hand, falls in the third case because the acute accent has a code point above 255 (so its size is 56 + (29 + 1) * 2 = 116 bytes).

Three clear advantages of the PEP 393 approach:

  • an optimized ASCII implementation can be used for the most common (ASCII) case
  • the constant number of bytes per code point6 results in constant-time indexing and facilitates other operations
  • can handle natively strings containing non-BMP characters, i.e., code points greater than .

On the flip-side, concatenating a single emoji to an ASCII string increases the size x 4.

Code units#

The building block used to actually store a code point in memory is often called a code unit. For example, consider the acute accent (U+0301):

flowchart TD
    %%{init: {'themeVariables': {'title': 'My Flowchart Title'}}}%%

    s --> utf8["UTF-8"]
    s --> utf16["UTF-16"]
    s --> utf32["UTF-32"]

    C@{ shape: framed-circle, label: "Stop" }
    C -.-> utf8-1["CC"]
    C -.-> utf8-2["81"]

    utf8 -.-> C
    utf16 -.-> utf16-1["0103"]
    utf32 -.-> utf16-2["01030000"]

    style utf8 stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style utf16 stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style utf32 stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
  • with a utf-8 encoding there are two 8-bit code units (0xCC and 0x81)
  • with a utf-16 encoding there is one 16-bit code unit
  • with a utf-32 encoding there is one 32-bit code unit .

Note that, in the above example, the code units for utf-16 and utf-32 are stored using little-endian.

Four string encodings#

A different encoding is used in each of the four cases discussed above.

  • case 1 : ASCII (which is equivalent to UTF-8 in this range)
  • case 2 : UCS1 (i.e., LATIN-1)
  • case 3 : UCS2 (i.e., UTF-16)
  • case 4 : UCS4 (i.e., UTF-32).

For example, the string mess in the snippet below has 8 code points and , hence we are in case 3 in which UTF-16 encoding should be used. At the end, the encoding computed manually is compared7 with the actual memory occupied by our string.

mess = "Iβ™₯️ζ—₯ζœ¬Π“ΠžΒ©"

assert len(mess) == 8
assert ord(max(mess)) == 65039  # case 3: 255 < 65039 < 65536

# utf-16-le stands for utf-16 with little-endian
encoding = b''.join([char.encode("utf-16-le") for char in mess]).hex()

assert string_bytes(mess) == 74  # 56 + (8 + 1) * 2
assert len(encoding) == 32  # i.e., 16 bytes as it is in hex
assert encoding == "490065260ffee5652c6713041e04a900"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# compare to groundtruth (this is a hack!)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import ctypes
import sys

def memory_dump(string):
    address = id(string)  # assuming CPython
    buffer = (ctypes.c_char * sys.getsizeof(string)).from_address(address)
    return bytes(buffer)

# [56:] removes what we called struct_bytes above (in CPython they come first)
# [:-2] removes the zero termination bytes
assert memory_dump(mess)[56:-2].hex() == encoding
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bytes objects#

As we have seen, the code units used to store a python string in memory depend on the string itself and are abstracted away from the user. While this is a good thing in many cases, sometimes we need more fine-grained control. To this end, python provides the "bytes" object (an immutable sequences of single bytes). Actually we already used it in the previous example as it is the return type of str.encode.

Let us consider the string a_man = "aπŸ‘¨". By now we know that it is stored using 4 bytes per code point. Using a_man.encode("utf-32") we obtain:

  • "a": 97, 0, 0, 0
  • "πŸ‘¨": 104, 244, 1, 0.

If we relax the constraint of constant number of bytes per code point, we can dedicate less space to our string. Using a_man.encode("utf-16") we obtain:

  • "a": 97, 0
  • "πŸ‘¨": 61, 216, 104, 220

or using a_man.encode("utf-8"):

  • "a": 97
  • "πŸ‘¨": 240, 159, 145, 168.

All above representations have their applications. For example UTF-8 provides compatibility with ASCII and efficient data storage, while UTF-16 and UTF-32 allow for faster processing of a larger range of characters. Having the possibility to easily/efficiently change representations is convenient.

Bytes do not necessarily have to be associated with individual code points, as is the case when using str.encode. For example, suppose we want to express the string "a1b1" as a byte object, where each pair of characters represents a byte in hex (i.e., 0xA1 followed by 0xB1). In this case, using list("a1b1".encode()) is not appropriate, as it would return [97, 49, 98, 49], which are the ASCII codes for the characters a, 1, b, and 1, respectively. Instead, we should consider the additional structure and use list(bytes.fromhex("a1b1")), which results in [161, 177].

Bytes objects can also be used in other contexts. For instance, (1).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') returns the byte representation of the integer 1 (in little-endian).


The design decision to have immutable string in python has far-reaching implication related to e.g., hashing, performance optimizations, garbage collection, thread safety etc. In addition to all this, having immutable strings was a prerequisite for the approach in PEP 393.

  1. Often expressed as a hexadecimal number. 

  2. The string might be rendered as "This πŸ‘¨\u200dπŸ‘©"

  3. pip install grapheme 

  4. Assuming a x86_64 architecture (see the string_bytes function for more details). 

  5. Based on PyObject * PyUnicode_New(Py_ssize_t size, Py_UCS4 maxchar) in unicodeobject.c

  6. The smallest possible is always chosen. 

  7. We used a CPython implementation of python 3.12